
Here’s the two most popular recipes of snacks that I often make for my in person courses – one is filled with dates (which are apparently beneficial to help support the body going into labour) and the other are great to have in stock for postpartum.
I’m always asked for these recipes – so here they are for you!


No bake choc date Slice


1 cup chopped dates and raisins
1 cup coconut
1 cup rolled oats (or ground almonds)
1/3 cup cocoa powder
pinch salt
1 tsp vanilla essence
2 tbsp (30g) melted butter or coconut oil

Pour boiling water over dates/raisins leave for 1 min then drain

Whizz all dry ingredients together then add drained fruit and oil. Blend until it holds together.

Refrigerate until hard. 

Melt 100g dark chocolate with 1tpsp coconut oil

Return to fridge and set.
Enjoy – but don’t eat it all at once – hehehehe 

(this freezes well so yes you can make it in advance and hide it away in the freezer until needed)


Breastfeeding Biscuits

125 g softenened butter
1/4 cup brown suger (or less)
3 tblsps honey
1 cup flour
2tblsps brewers yeast
2 tblsps LSA 
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp cinnamon
1&1/2 cups rolled oats
dried fruit or sedds of your choice

Cream butter, sugar, honey, sift flour baking powder, cinnamon
add all dry ingredients to creamed mixture
Roll into balls

Bake at 180 

(I often reduce sugar and add pumpkin seeds)

These biscuits freeze really well – so it can be worthwhile making a double or triple batch and popping them into the freezer for some handy snacks for that postpartum phase.



“Thank you for all the trauma release work that you did with me.

It really paid off as our sweet baby boy was born in a hurry at 4.29am on Sunday 13th November. Early labour wasn’t as painful or difficult as I had remembered from my first son’s which may have contributed to some denial about actually being in labour until things got more intense!!
Our baby was very nearly born on the floor at home as things progressed very rapidly once established. Your rainbow of colours track and breathing techniques helped me relax as much as possible particularly before labour became established.
We got to the hospital just after 4am and baby was born 20 minutes later.

It was the most empowering experience of my life and I am in awe of my body which completely took over and entered me into a completely primal state of being, allowing me the healing VBAC I had longed for.
I only had two small grazes from birthing our 3.7kg baby and have recovered so much better this time. Arriving at hospital so close to him being born also meant I was able to avoid getting a canula and being monitored so I am so very pleased with how it all turned out. Our boy is calm and content and we are completely blissed out.”


From an intense traumatic induction round one, to a healing (unplanned) homebirth round 2. What a difference! 

It ended up being the most Incredibly healing experience for me, coming through feeling empowered and like a superwoman! I’d always heard of women feeling so empowered and capable, but I truly didn’t believe it was possible for me! I thought they were unicorn birthing mamas, but turns out I had it in me too! 

The trauma release work we did together allowed me to free some of the fear based thoughts I was having, and allowed me to approach this birth with a fresh mind, a clean slate so to speak! Of course there were a few bumpy moments, but my goodness me, my faith in the natural and amazing process of birth has been reinstated. 

Thank you so much for helping me unlock my birthing power! 


Positive Births

021 130 6381