Frequently Asked Questions

When should I start my hypnobirthing course ?

You  can  begin  the course at  any  time,  but  we  recommend  the  earlier the better (after 15  weeks).  Commencing  the  classes  earlier  in  your  pregnancy  will  give  you  time  to  practice  the  relaxation  and  to  enjoy  a  more  relaxed  pregnancy. 

Some pregnant mothers (and their partners too) report how the tools and techniques they have learnt in their pregnancy helped them to sleep better, feel better, feel more positive and less stressed during their pregnancy – and so you may as well benefit from this for as much of your pregnancy as you can.

It’s  also highly  beneficial  for  baby  for  you  to  spend  regular time  in  a  state  of  relaxation  during  your  pregnancy.  

Plus the more you practise the tools in your pregnancy the more embedded in your life they will be – therefore become super easy to access in labour and birth.

However,  it  is  never  too  late  to  start  –  you  will  still  find  the   classes  beneficial  and  valuable  as  long  as  you  complete  them  prior  to  going  into  labour.  Many  couples  have  started  the  course  late  in  their  pregnancy  (some  as  late  as  37  weeks)  and  have  still  found  it  very beneficial  –  all  agree  it  is  better  to  do  it  later  than  never.

Please  book  early  to  avoid  disappointment,  many  classes  do  fill  up  fast. 

Why does my partner/husband/birth companion need to attend?

The  reason  we  suggest  couples  to  attend  together  is  so  your  birth  support person  can  understand  the  tools  and  techniques  you  are  learning.  Your  birth  support will  play  a  vital  role  in  your  labour  and  birth  and  we  also  teach  them  techniques  and  how  assist  you  during  this  time.  

It  is  not  compulsory  for  the  birth  companion  to  participate  in  all  of  the  relaxation  exercises  if  they  do  not  desire.  However,  it  is  recommended,  as  the  skills  you  will  learn  can  be  applied  to  many  different  areas  of  your  life! 

Many support people find it really useful to learn a set of practical tools they know they can use on the day and it increases their confidence in supporting you. Some of them find they can also use these skills in their day to day life too. 

And worst case scenario, birth support people might just get a bit of a nap during our longer relaxation exercises – they seem to quite like that! 

What should I bring?

Yourself,  your  birthing  support person and an open mind.  To  maximise  your  comfort  and  ability  to  relax,  please  dress  comfortably.  You  may  bring  along  beanbags, extra  cushions,  pillows  or  a  blanket  if  you  desire.  During  sessions  we  will  take  a  short  break  and  herbal teas, water and light  snacks  will  be  provided.  Please  feel  free  to  bring  along  any  other  snacks,  or  drinks  (ie  water  bottle)  if  you  would  like  to.  

Please  do  NOT  bring  any  horror  birth  stories  or  experiences.  We  will  only  be  discussing  positive  birth  stories  in  this  course. 

Should I attend other Antenatal Classes?

It’s  up  to  you.  The  Positive Births hypnobirthing  course  will  provide  you  information  about normal, natural  birth  and  give  you  tools  and  techniques  to  use  in  any/every type of birth.  Other  antenatal  courses  will  cover  different  information  such  as  interventions,  complications  and  how  to  care  for  your  baby.  The  knowledge  gained  through  the  hypnobirthing  course  along  with  other  antenatal  courses  will  help  you  to  make  informed  decisions.  Many  couples  also  attend  other  antenatal  courses  to  develop  a  network  of  other  parents  due  at  the  same  time. That’s not to say you wont get a network from your hypnobirthing course too!

The most common comment I hear from couples who’ve attended my courses and other antenatal courses is that they recommend doing the hypnobirthing course earlier in pregnancy. They say this helps to get them in a positive frame of mind, and helps them with the information they may gather in subsequent courses.

Will HypnoBirthing be useful to me if I decide not to have a natural childbirth or I require medical intervention?

Most  definitely.  The  tools  and  techniques  you  will  learn  in  your  hypnobirthing  course  will  be  of  use  to  you  and  your  baby  regardless  of  your  birth  experience.  If  medical  intervention  is  required  you  will  find  yourself  better  able  to  remain  calm  and  in  control.  Mums  who  have  needed  caesareans  for  medical  reasons  report  that  they  were  totally  relaxed  before,  during  and  after  the  procedure  and  often feel  their  recovery  was  very  quick.

This course is for EVERY birth situation!

Can HypnoBirthing be beneficial if I'm attempting a VBAC?

Absolutely.  Many  women  who’ve  had  a  previous  caesarean  and  are  desiring  a  vaginal  birth  find  the  hypnobirthing  course  very  empowering  and  helpful  in  increasing  their  confidence  levels.  It’s  also  pleasing  to  hear  that  most  of  them  do  succeed  in  a  natural  delivery. 

Is it true that I will experience a pain-free birth with Hypnobirthing?

Hypnobirthing  does  not  promise  painless  birthing,  although  many  mums  do  report  having  a  relatively  pain-free  birth,  or  one  they  were  able  to  manage  easily.  When  fear  and  tension  constrict  the  birthing  muscles  higher  pain  levels  are  felt.  Therefore,  mothers  who  are  calm,  relaxed  and  free  of  fear  usually  accomplish  their  birthing  in  a  shorter  period  of  time  and  much  more  comfortably.  A  relaxed  mother  will  produce  more  endorphins,  nature’s  own  relaxants.  Hypnobirthing  mums  may  still  experience  sensations  of  tightening  or  pressure,  but  most  describe  their  birth  experience  as  working  with  their  body  through  the  sensations,  therefore  avoiding  the  excruciating  pain  that  is  frequently  spoken  of  by  other  women.  

I  speak  from  having  had  personal  experience  with  Hypnobirthing,  with  two  births  of  my  own  using  the techniques.  Yes,  I  felt  pressure,  tightening  and  strong  intense  sensations.  Yes  at  times  it  was  hard  work.  But  it  was  also  exhilarating  and  wonderfully  satisfying.  I  was  calm,  focused  and  working  with  my  body.  I  did  not  try  to  hold  my  body  back,  I  let  my  body  and  my  baby  do  the  job  they’re  designed  to  do.  I  believe  every  woman  deserves  the  opportunity  to  enjoy  a  positive  birth  experience. 

What is my investment?

Group  sessions  $455  per  couple – Live in person courses.  
Live online courses $425 per couple

Private  sessions  $800  per  couple.  

Includes  the Positive Birth in NZ book,  a wide variety of audio  tracks  with  relaxation  exercises  and  affirmations,  scripts,  handouts,  folder  plus  ongoing  support  if  required  via  phone  and  email  until  you  go  into  labour.  

Sometimes  special  class  places  are  available  for  those  on  a  limited  income,  please  enquire  for  more  details. 

Positive Births

021 130 6381