Book Your HypnoBirthing Course – Class Schedule – Live, In person courses
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Two Course Options
Positive Births Essentials Course
6 hours $235 per couple
Get the essential tools for a positive birth
Includes: 6 hours of tuition, handouts folder, affirmation cards, 8 x audio tracks
Live Online: Register your interest by emailing, or completing the enrolment form below
Next Course:
Live online Mondays 7-9pm
Nov 18, 25, Dec 2
Scroll down to booking form to save your place
Positive Births Ultimate Course
12 hours $455 per couple
Dive deeper, more resources, more support for a positive birth in all circumstances
Includes: 12 hours tuition, The Positive Birth in NZ book, handouts folder, affirmations card set, 14 x audio tracks, ongoing support until birth
Albany: Sundays 1pm – 5pm
September 29, October 6, 13
Live Online: Mondays 7pm
October 7, 14, 21, 28, Nov 4
Albany: Sundays 1pm – 5pm
November 24, Dec 1 & 8
Warkworth: Thursday evenings or Saturday mornings
dates upon request
Scroll down to booking form to save your place
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Private Sessions and Refresher Sessions:
Private sessions, or, Refresher sessions (if you’ve previously completed a Hypnobirthing Course)
Available upon request, please contact Helen for more details.
Recorded Online Courses
TWO types of Online recorded courses for to choose from. Work through at your own time and own pace complete with all the resources you need for a positive birth experience.
Book Your HypnoBirthing Class
To confirm your place in the course please transfer your deposit of $155 to the following bank account number:
ASB 12 3095 0232202 00
The remainder of the payment ($300) will be due on the date of your first session.
Thank you for your booking. Helen will be in touch with you soon via email to acknowledge receipt of your booking and deposit and to personally confirm your place in the course. For any further questions please email Helen or text 021 130 6381
Positive Births Registration Terms and Conditions
By agreeing to the Class Registration Terms and Conditions, you acknowledge that you are enrolling in a Positive Births class of your own free will and with the understanding that this is a program designed to teach you to use your own natural abilities to bring your mind and my body into a state of relaxation.
Your deposit of $125 is non-refundable. However, should you not be able to attend the course due to unforeseen circumstances (e.g. loss of pregnancy) and you have given at least 72 hours notice of cancellation prior to the course commencing, we will certainly consider a refund, either partial or full depending on the circumstances. Full payment is required prior to, or on the first session and is non-refundable. If you are unable to attend a session you will be offered a place in another course to receive this information, subject to space availability or a copy of the information as recorded. You further understand that the content of these classes is in no way intended to be represented as medical advice nor as a prescription for medical procedure. Positive Births advises that you seek the advice of a health-care provider to answer any health-related or pregnancy-related issues surrounding your pregnancy, labour or birth.
You therefore agree that you will in no way hold an instructor of the classes, Positive Births, or it’s owner, or its representatives responsible for any complications that could arise as a result of your pregnancy, your labour, or the birth of your child. You agree that neither yourself, nor any member of your family will make any claim or initiate any suit against Helen Bartrom or Positive Births, now or at any time in the future.
Listen to these couples share what they gained from attending a Live online course