Hypnobirthing for VBAC success
How Hypnobirthing can support you through a successful VBAC If you’ve previously had a C Section birth then it doesn’t mean that all your future births need to be a C Section. There are many success stories from mums achieving a successful VBAC (Vaginal Birth after...
Processing your Birth
Processing your birthProcessing your birthNo matter what our birth involves it is a huge event. It is a huge event that both our mind and body have gone through and we must not underestimate the impact it can have on us. Often our mind can be very active and busy...
Fear free birth
Fear Free BirthFear - the enemy of the birthing roomFear is the ultimate enemy of the birthing room. Fear is what all too often prevents the body from allowing the process of birth to unfold and occur just as it was designed to. Way back in the 1920s, an English...
Your amazing birth muscles
Your amazing birth musclesYour amazing birth musclesYour body is amazing. Full stop. I bet you haven’t thought too much about how the muscles in your uterus work, have you? I know that for many women, understanding the power of their incredible body is very empowering...
what is the “hypno” in hypnobirthing all about?
What's the "hypno" in hypnobirthing all about?Hypnobirthing - What is this Hypno Stuff? “Humans on average use the conscious mind to control their behaviour-regulating cognitive activity about 5% of the time, therefore, 95% of our cognitive activity is controlled by...
Can hypnosis turn a breech baby?
Breech Baby - can you turn a baby with hypnosis?Breech Baby If your baby is in the breech position in the later stage of your pregnancy you'll likely be keen to give them every opportunity to turn into the vertex (head down) position. There are a few things you can...
What type of birth can I expect if I do hypnobirthing classes?
What a great question… Wouldn’t it be great if I could tell you that doing the hypnobirthing class was like waving a magic wand and “voila” - it guarantees that you'll get everything you want from your birth. I’m sorry to disappoint you here, but that’s not exactly...
The birth of Addison
At 3:43am on the 17th of March 2020 I woke up to an intense surge. Not long after that, another one came and another. I had been having Braxton Hicks for a couple weeks before, but these definitely felt different. I woke my husband up and he started timing the surges....
Laura and Toby’s first birth to Juniper
Juniper’s Birth 6th March 2020 This birth story starts when I was 9 days overdue. I knew that induction would be necessary at two weeks over, but at my routine appointment my midwife informed me that I would be induced the next day due to the hospital being fully...
5 tips to help you be the BEST ever support person in birth
5 tips to help you be the BEST support person in birth
3 steps to a calm and positive birth experience
3 steps to a calm and positive birth experience
A healing birth – Ewa’s positive birth of Kaspar
Ewa's second birth to Kaspar helped her to heal from her traumatic birth of her first baby. "It was a sunny Saturday, six days past my due date and I was more than ready to meet our baby. I went for a long walk in the morning to help kick off the labour naturally. I...
Petra and Wade’s first birth to Luka
I couldn't be happier with the outcome of our hypnobirth! My goal was to have a fearless, calm and natural home birth and I got just that. This was our first baby and our due date was Nov 3rd. During the wee hours of the morning on 27th Oct, I started getting my...
Hannah and Dan’s first birth to Mateo
"I began reading Hypnobirthing by Marie Mongan in my early weeks of pregnancy after hearing a friend’s positive birth story. I felt inspired that I too could have drug-free, calm and easy labour and that’s exactly what I had. Our son Mateo was due on the 7th of...
Incredible Birth story
an incredible birth story to be published here soon
Bringing Roman Earthside
I could not have been more excited to be a mother and to birth my first baby. So when it came time to decide on how we wanted our birth to go, all we knew was that we wanted it to be natural, at home and in the water. My partner, Glenn and I wanted to make baby’s...
The dream team birth of Stevie
What a surreal feeling it is to be sitting down to write our birth story. It feels like yesterday we were in HypnoBirthing class, hearing the stories others had shared and wondering if it was really possible to bring a baby into the world in such a peaceful, calm way...
Peaceful birth
story coming soon
VBAC Success
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Sample 2
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Sample 3
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Nulla congue, mauris et mollis pellentesque.